Орловский губернаторский камерный хор «Лик»

+7 4862 76-49-63

31648 просмотров

We are the chamber choir “LIK” from Oryol – town in the centre of Russia. For more than 20
years of our existence we have covered a path from the little church chorus to the philharmonic
chapel. During that time we managed to accumulate a rich repertoire of sacred and secular
music belonging to different epoch styles and authors, from Russian and European composers
to Negro spirituals and various folk songs. Now “LIK” is an Oryol’s Governor’s chamber choir
consists of 28 singers. Dmitry Kovalenko, Art Director of Oryol’s State Philharmonics is an art
director and conductor of the choir.

In spring 1994 we became the prizewinners of All-Russia academic choirs and vocal ensembles
competition «Singing Russia» (Moscow). In January 1995 we had some successful concerts in
Bergum, Leeuwarden and Snake (Friesland, Holland). In May 1996 we became the
prizewinners of the II International Moscow competition “Singing Russia”.

In October 1996 we took part in the 1st International Choir Competition “SHIRAT
HAYAMIM” (Netanya, Israel), where we became the Winners of the Category “Mixed Choirs”
and received a Gold Diploma. In May 2000 we had a long and successful concert tour in West
Germany. Since March 1997 to January 2004 “LIK” existed as a municipal chamber choir.
Since January 2004 we are Governor’s chamber choir “LIK”, belonging to Oryol’s State
Philharmonics. Besides our recitals, in cooperation with Oryol’s Governor’s Symphonic
orchestra we perform classical cantatas, oratorios, opera choirs and scenes.

In December 2007 we took part in the VIII International Choir Festival-Competition
“Christmas Prague” (Czech Republic) and became a Winner of the Category “Adult Choirs”
and received a Grand-Prix in this category.

During all the time of its existing “LIK” had a regular concert practice in Oryol and its region,
in different concert halls of Russia and abroad. In cooperation with Oryol State TV and Radio
Agency we have prepared a cycle of TV and radio programs about Russian spiritual and secular
choral music.

The general reason of our creative activity is to serve to the spiritual Renaissance of Russia,
that’s why “LIK” is permanently seeking for the new musical contacts and projects. We would
like to make the words “Light of Music enlightens everyone” our motto and bring the treasures
of choral music within the rich of those interested in it.

Address: Mr. Dmitry Kovalenko (Art Director), Oryol State Philharmonics,
ul. Lenina 23, Orel, 302028, RUSSIA
Fax: +7 (486-2) 76-49-63
E-mail: nota@orel.ru,
dok@orel.ru (private)
URL: www.mcc-lik.narod.ru


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