Добавлено 05 февраля / 20 alexman81ru


Цюрих, Швейцария

5 февраля 2020

V Международный музыкальный фестиваль «Grand Piano in Palace»

Die Luft

Benefic concert «Grand piano in palace»

Benefic concert «Grand piano in palace»

Александр Яковлев (фортепиано)

I wish all my friends who celebrate it a Happy Hanukkah!
I wish my Catholic and Protestant friends a merry Christmas! And by the way I would like to introduce you my new concert project, which will be held in Switzerland in the city of Meilen in februar. Benefiс concert dedicated to our festival «Grand piano in palace». I am very glad that the geography of our winners ' concerts is expanding and I can say without a doubt that the festival is getting a great international response. Already in year 2020 our laureates will perform in the cities of Switzerland (Zurich, Meilen, Zofingen, Alpnachdorf, Bern), in Germany, in Russia (St. Petersburg Philharmonic). Dear friends, I am happy that we are becoming a big musical family!
Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate in the coming weeks, I hope your holidays are filled with peace, prosperity, and love!

Начало концерта в 19:00

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