Программа концерта «Орган вечного города» 5 марта 2019. Серджио Милителли

Добавлено 13 февраля 2019 Олег Белоцерковский

Саратовский Международный органный фестиваль

Conservatory of SARATOV (Russia) — Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 — at 6:00 pm

International Concert Performer (Italy)


«Italian Baroque Music»

Bernardo Pasquini (1637−1710)
Partite Diverse di Follia

Arcangelo Corelli (1653−1713)
Concerto Grosso, Op. 6, No. 8 «Fatto per la Notte di Natale»
(Grave — Allegro — Adagio — Allegro — Adagio — Vivace — Pastorale)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678−1741)
Concerto V «delle Stravaganze»
(Allegro — Largo — Allegro)

Benedetto Marcello (1686−1739)
Variationi, o Partite per il Cembalo ò Organo

Baldassare Galuppi (1706−1785)
Sonata in Re minore
(Andante — Allegro — Largo — Allegro e spiritoso)

Giovanni Battista Martini (1706−1784)
Sonata in Fa maggiore
(Preludio — Allegro e brillante — Minuetto)

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710−1736)
Suonata del Pargolesi (Allegro)

Giovanni Paisiello (1740−1816)
Les Adieux de la Grande Duchesse des Russies

SERGIO MILITELLO (1968) is one of the most interesting Italian musicians and one of the international concert organists for his musicianship and interpretative ability. He is a composer, choirmaster, concert performer (organ, piano, harpsichord) and teacher.
As soloist he has concertized in several countries throughout the world: EUROPE (Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Austria, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Island, Belgium, Netherland, Vatican City), AUSTRALIA (Queensland), USA (District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, California, Minnesota), CANADA (Québec, Ontario), SOUTH AMERICA (Argentina, Chile, Perù, Brasil), ASIA (China, Taiwan), RUSSIA.
As a world-class musician and brilliant organist, Sergio Militello combines the characteristic sound world of the organ with his own performance style. He has a distinctive repertoire that gives the public a chance to have a unique cultural experience. Sergio Militello’s concerts are marked by highly attractive repertoire carefully chosen for each venue and instrument. His performances are warmly received for their artistic quality, repertory, color of the sound, and his ability in the «Art of Improvisation», with which he customarily finishes his concerts, he has become one the leading improvisers in the world! Mr Militello’s programs have often been praised for their variety and interest, as well as for the artistic and communicative integrity he brings to the music of the «king of instruments», incorporating music of all periods and styles into his programs. He has played also prestigious instruments that are known for their historical or stylistic importance and the greatest organs in the world. He is also an accomplished composer. In 2002 he founded the «International Center of Sacred Music». Sergio Militello has been Choirmaster & Principal Organist of the great Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence (Italy) and Organist at Daily Masses of the Pope in Vatican. He is teacher at Pontifical GREGORIAN University (Rome) and Professor at «Academie Internationale de Improvisation a l’Orgue» of Montpellier (France).

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