Timur Khaliullin was awarded with a hearty applause by his spellbound audience!

Добавлено 06 июля 2017 Тимур Халиуллин

Тимур Халиуллин (карильон, клавесин, орган), Органный зал Белгородской филармонии, Большой зал Белгородской филармонии, Белгородская филармония

This organ concert in the summer series at Kallio Church in Helsinki was quite wild.

Despite his young age, Timur Khaliullin from Izhevsk (Udmurt Republic, Russia) is a very accomplished organist and pianist, having won several important organ and piano competitions and working as a solo artist for the Belgorod State Philharmonic Hall.
Timur started his concert tonight at the choir organ with big chords, playing ‘Modus Ludendi pro organo pleno' and ‘Echo' by Samuel Scheid — two pieces that rested on beautiful harmonies, aided by the well-tempered temperament of the choir organ. After ‘Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne' by Buxtehude and ‘Arioso' by J.S. Bach, Timur Khaliullin continued with breathtaking renditions (by heart) of Bach’s famous ‘Toccata d-minor' and ‘Pedal-Exercitium'.

At the main organ the concert continued with ‘Nun danket alle Gott' and Consolation' by F. Liszt and ‘Gothic Suite' by L. Boëllmann and was concluded by two improvisations over the organists own themes.

Here Timur Khaliullin explored tonal possibilities of the main organ with extreme sounds (very high and very low pitched), with possibilities to influence the sound of pipes with the mechanical tone- and stop-action and with contrasts between fff and ppp. This could have become quite fragmentary, but the interpreter never lost sight of his intentions and his music was interesting and fascinating. Timur Khaliullin was awarded with a hearty applause by his spellbound audience.

Helmuth Gripentrog

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