«Форте-квартет» Самарской филармонии

59233 просмотра

First performance of Forte Quartet took place in February 1998. Musicians were immediately appreciated by public and praised by press.

From 2001 to 2004 quartet took part in International festival of Chamber music in Moscow — “Spring in Russia”. Concerts took place in Rahmaninov‘s and Big halls of the Moscow state conservatoire, auditorium of church gatherings in Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, in Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, CDRI (central house of art workers).
Forte Quartet owns Federal arts and culture grant in “Classical Heritage” project (2003). In addition quartet takes part in Russian-German project “Musical evening for Friends” (2004).

In 2005 collective successfully participated in XI International Festival of new music “Two days and Two nights” in Odessa and II International Festival of new music “Pictures at an Exhibition” in Nizhniy Novgorod.

In October 2005 and in June 2006, Forte Quartet participated in Days of economy and culture of Samara Region in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

In connection with 65th anniversary of Samara Stare Philharmonic in 2006, artists received official thanks from Samara Local Government for artistic achievements in musical creativity and assistance to the development of culture.

In 2003 the musicians recorded CD with Schumann and Brahms piano quartets.
Apart from masterpieces of chamber music, in quartet’s repertoire we can find popular classical and cotemporary melodies as arranged by member of collective, Irina Smoliakova (violin).


А. Пьяццола. «Весна в Буэнос-Айресе»...

Vlada Moran:

Очень яркое и страстное исполнение! Спасибо!
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