«Форте-квартет» Самарской филармонии

59233 просмотра

Irina Smoliakova (violin)
Irina Smoliakova is a soloist in Philharmonics of Samara and honoured artist of Russia. She is alumna of Moscow state Conservatoire (1979) and was tutored by professor D. Cyganov. Irina Smoliakova is leader (concertmaster) of symphonic orchestra of Samara Philharmonics. Apart form work in orchestra I. Smoliakova performs solo and participates in chamber performances and is constantly learning new concert repertoire. Since 1993 she has been teaching in Samara state academy of culture and arts. Since 1998 she has been concertmaster of chamber orchestra “Simphonetta”.

Nikolai Varlamov (viola)
Soloist of Samara Philharmonics, honoured artist of Russia. He is graduate of Ufa state institute of arts (1980) and continued postgraduate studies on faculty of chamber group on Moscow Gniesinych’s Institute (1985). N. Varlamov was tutored by professor W. Tonha. He was awarded with a special prize “ for virtuosity” in USSR-competition in Yaroslavl in 1984. N. Varlamov is a leader of a group of violas of the symphonic orchestra of Samara Philharmonics. Performs solo and as a member of chamber bands. He teaches in Samara state academy of culture and arts.

Elena Trohina (violoncello)
She is graduate of Nizhniy Novgorod state Conservatoire (1990). E.Trohina is a second leader of violoncello group in symphonic orchestra of Samara Philharmonics. She actively participates in various musical projects, both as a soloist and a member of chamber groups. She is lecturing in Samara state academy of culture and arts.

Nikolai Fefilov (piano)
He graduated with honours from Moscow state Conservatoire (1994) and practiced (1996) in class of professor W. Gornostajeva. N. Fefilov is laureate of XII Kabalevsky’s competition in Samara (1984) and also a receiver of various diplomas on international competitions. In 1992 he recorded CD with piano music of Aleksey Stanchinsky(“Etcetera” , Netherlands). In addition N. Fefilov’s performance was also recorded by “Radio Russia” foundation ( “Concert fugues’ by A. Karamanov). N. Fefilov participated in international festivals such as “Heritage” (Moscow 1990, 1992), new music festival (Prague, 1991), “Music without borders” ( Togliatti, 2002). N. Fefilov performed with symphonic orchestras of Moscow, Kazan, Lvov, Samara and Togliatti. He teaches in Samara state academy of culture and arts.


А. Пьяццола. «Весна в Буэнос-Айресе»...

Vlada Moran:

Очень яркое и страстное исполнение! Спасибо!
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