«Форте-квартет» Самарской филармонии

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Musical critics praise Forte Quartet for professional mastery, amazing technique, impeccable understanding within the band and high artistic culture.
(newspaper “Izvestia”, 2003)
Mastery of performance of the musicians from Samara, amazing mutual understanding of artists, fineness of their interpretations of classical music – those features were noticed and highly praised by public. Concert-goers expressed their appreciation by loud applause and asked for encore.
(magazine “Rampa”, 2003)
Voices of instruments of quartet at times persistently called one to another or, on the contrary, harmoniously merged with each other. After the finale, silence was disturbed by the clearly uttered “bravo!”. And the auditorium burst with energetic, loud applause. That was real applause for real professionals.

(magazine “Samara” , 2005)
Forte Quartet performed on impeccable academic level, which is characteristic of Russian school of musical performance, during commemorative concert in philharmonics.

(“Samara’s newspaper”, 2005)
On 15th June In Baku in state Philharmonics of Azerbaijan performed artists from Samara. Forte Quartet presented pieces by Rimsky- Korsakov, Brahms and Mozart. It was performance of waltz by Kara Karaev from “Seven beauties” that met with loudest round of applause.

(IA REGNUM, 2006)
Forte Quartet from Samara with enviable mastery performed quartet by Plaksin in Philharmonics of Samara. On dark background of sounds of string instruments piano accords sounded, or shined like stars. Vivid flame of piano notes burned during last seconds of performance.
Forte Quartet took part in governor’s visit to Armenia. For this guest performance in Armenia composer Plaksin prepared Armenian song “Zar tonk”. It was not only met with loud applause in Armenia but amazed public in Samara.

(newspaper “Wolzskaja Kommuna”, 2006)
Concerts of “Musical autographs” took place in historic church. Forte Quartet of Philharmonics of Samara performed Pavel Plaksin’s quartet for piano, violin, viola and violoncello with all possible artistic devotion. Smooth sounds of the violoncello resembled smoothness of the mirror were later joined by sounds of viola and violin. Grand piano adds joyous sound of accords. Artists reached peak of their mastery in finale when sounds of instruments merged in harmony.
(IA "Samara.ru", 2006)


А. Пьяццола. «Весна в Буэнос-Айресе»...

Vlada Moran:

Очень яркое и страстное исполнение! Спасибо!
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