M.Starshinov — Pantomime for flute solo(Performed — S.Yaroshevsky)

Добавлено 30 декабря 2018 Starmax17

Maksim Starshinov (композитор, тромбон)

«It is hard to speak silently…» — this is the slogan of the work. The piece represents a monologue of the mime. The mime is an image of a person who want to share something important, he’s overfilled with emotions yet he can’t speak openly. He stays alone with himself, his thoughts and feelings. «Pantomime» for solo flute was written for 9th International Moscow Conservatory Competition for wind and percussion players in 2017 and was performed by contestants in the Small Hall of Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. A prize for best performance had been awarded to the soloist of The Bolshoy Theatre, Associate Professor of Maymonid State Classic Academy, 1st prize winner Stanislav Yaroshevsky. Performed by the winner of the first prize of the contest, Best performance of modern plays — Stanislav Yaroshevsky 4 November Second round Small Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory The Moscow Conservatory’s Ninth International Competition of Performers on Wind and Percussion Instruments

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